Просмотр полной версии : Светодиоды вместо лампочек. Форум Fluence-Club.
на свет не глядел бы
BMW Club. Реклама на сайте. Закажите рекламное объявление. E70 Китайские лед фары.
Presented as a novel, this is a not-at-all-disguised memoir of the four years that the author spent in a Siberian penal prison as a political prisoner. A remarkably credible and vivid account centered on the personalities of his fellow prisoners and of the prison guards while calmly and clearly recounting the terrible punishments handed out to the common prisoners the intellectuals and nobles like the author were exempted from corporal punishment as well as the everyday conditions in the crowded, filthy and bug-infested prison camp. An e-book, with the original Russian texts in an annex, is available for downloading below.
Верьте слову: иной раз бывает - просто, кажется, на свет не глядел бы На свет не глядел бы — Разг. Ничто не радует; беспросветно тяжело. Нет, господин, невесело нам.